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***Claimed by Rishab Chawla 11/19/15***
==Main Idea==

Consider an electrical circuit consisting of an inductor, of inductance '''L''', connected in series with a capacitor, of capacitance '''C'''. Such a circuit is known as an LC circuit, for obvious reasons.
===A Mathematical Model===
Starting with [ Kirchoff's Loop Rule], we have V = L * dI/dt + q/C.
Taking the derivative of each term, dV/dt = L(d^2*I/dt^2) + 1/C * dq/dt.
The voltage of the battery is constant, so that derivative vanishes. The derivative of charge is current, so that gives us a second order differential equation: 0 = L(d^2*I/dt^2) + 1/C * I
Rearranging, (d^2/dt^2)I = - I/(LC).
This can be solved by guessing and checking with a generic sine function: I = I0sin(ωt + φ)
(d^2/dt^2)I0sin(ωt + φ) = -I0/(LC) * sin(ωt + φ)
− ω^2*I0sin(ωt + φ) = -I0/(LC) * sin(ωt + φ)
The angular frequency is now given by '''ω = 1/sqrt(LC)'''.
A LC circuit is then an oscillating circuit with frequency ω/(2π) = '''1/(2π*sqrt(LC))'''.
===A Computational Model===
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== See also ==
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===Further reading===
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Latest revision as of 21:20, 4 December 2015