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There are two types of loops that can be use in Python: [https://wiki.python.org/moin/ForLoop for loop] and [https://wiki.python.org/moin/WhileLoop while loop]. Basically, loops are used to tell the computer to execute the same task multiple times. While loops are more common for modeling physics concepts.
There are two types of loops that can be use in Python: [https://wiki.python.org/moin/ForLoop for loop] and [https://wiki.python.org/moin/WhileLoop while loop]. Basically, loops are used to tell the computer to execute the same task multiple times. While loops are more common for modeling physics concepts.
*While loops  
*While loops  
The body of a while loop is executed, while a certain condition is true. Make sure to indent the statements that should be done in the while loop. While loop is equivalent to integration, because it manually breaks down the physical process into small parts and adds them up (see [[Iterative_Prediction]] to see the physical application of a while loop). While loop has the following structure:
The body of a while loop is executed, while a certain condition is true. Make sure to indent the statements that should be done in the while loop. While loop is equivalent to integration, because it manually breaks down the physical process into small parts and adds them up (see [[Iterative_Prediction | Iterative Prediction]] to see a good example of the physical application of a while loop). While loop has the following structure:
:while (condition)
:while (condition)
::the body of the while loop
::the body of the while loop

Revision as of 16:47, 3 December 2015

Claimed by Liubov Nikolenko

This is a beginner guide to programming in VPython. If you have never written code before, this article is for you.


To install VPython simply follow the instructions in the links given below. After the installation is completed just open the VIDLE for Python (usually there is a shortcut created on your desktop) and start typing your code.


Install VPython here


Install VPython here


Install VPython here

Getting started with Python

Introduction to basic Python use

The first two lines of your program should be:

from __future__ import division
from visual import *

The first line enables float division, so 3 / 2 = 1.5 (not 1) and the second line enables graphics module.


One of the most powerful features of a programming language is the ability to manipulate variables. A variable is a name that refers to a value. In order to assign some value to a variable, you should use the assignment token = . For example,

x = 5

This line of code assigns the variable x the value 5.

y = 0

x = y

This line of code assigns the variable x the value associated with y, so x is equal to 0.

Note: unlike equality operator you cannot interchange the variables on different sides of the equality sign. Say, our initial conditions are:

x = 5

y = 0

The statement x = y assigns the variable x value 0, while the statement y = x assigns the variable y value 5.

Creating VPython Objects

ball = sphere(pos=(x_coordinate,y_coordinate,z_coordinate), radius=radius_of_the_sphere, color = color.color_of_the_sphere)

myArrow = arrow(pos=(x0_coordinate,y0_coordinate,z0_coordinate), axis=(x1_coordinate,y1_coordinate,z1_coordinate), color = color.color_of_the_arrow)

myVector = vector(x_coordinate,y_coordinate,z_coordinate)

You can leave a trail behind a moving object simply by specifying make_trail=True:

ball.make_trail = True

Each time you change ball.pos, this new position is added to a curve, thereby leaving a trail behind the moving sphere. This works with arrow, box, cone, cylinder, ellipsoid, pyramid, ring, and sphere.

Manipulating VPython values

  • Accessing attributes of the variable

To access the attribute of a given variable just use the syntax object.attribute (e.g. to access the position of the ball variable, you should do ball.pos)

  • Updating variable

To update a variable (such as time, speed, force or the position of the object) you should do variable = variable + delta

Running VPython code

To run VPython code simply press F5. While running your code you will see the visual module and a shell (a place where all print out information is displayed)


There are two types of loops that can be use in Python: for loop and while loop. Basically, loops are used to tell the computer to execute the same task multiple times. While loops are more common for modeling physics concepts.

  • While loops

The body of a while loop is executed, while a certain condition is true. Make sure to indent the statements that should be done in the while loop. While loop is equivalent to integration, because it manually breaks down the physical process into small parts and adds them up (see Iterative Prediction to see a good example of the physical application of a while loop). While loop has the following structure:

while (condition)
the body of the while loop
updating the loop

For example:

while (t < 60)
distance = distance + velocity * deltat
t = t + deltat

Note: to see the process clearly it is common to slow down the frame rate by using rate(200) as a first line of a body of the while loop


Comments in the code have no impact on the code execution, because they are just ignored by the computer. Comments in VPython start with a pound sign (#) and end when a line ends. It is a good practice to place some useful information (like an explanation to a certain step) in the comments, so other people will find it easier to understand your code. For example:

x = x + 1 # incrementing x variable

Debugging techniques

Unfortunately, sometimes programs do not work in a way we intended them to work. Here are some tips to fixing your code.

  1. If you get an error try to understand the error message and fix your code accordingly. The most common errors are syntax errors, like parenthesis mismatch or wrong arguments passed into the function.
  2. Make sure you updating your condition for a while loop, so you don't have an infinite loop.
  3. Check if your are dividing by zero anywhere.
  4. Make sure you have correct indentation everywhere.
  5. Put plenty of print() statements, so you can know what is going on in every single stage of your code.
  6. Check your mathematical expressions for the order of precedence (e.g. x / y*z ! = x / (y * z))
  7. Try commenting out some steps to see which parts of your code do not work.

Useful built-in functions

Printing out information

  • print(value)

Prints out the given value in the programming shell.


  • x**y

Raises x to the y-th power.


  • cross(vectorA, vectorB)

Calculates the cross product of two vectors

  • mag(vector)

Calculates the magnitude of the vector

  • norm(vector)

Calculates the unit vector of the vector

  • dot(vector_1, vector_2)

Calculates the dot product of two vectors


How is this topic connected to something that you are interested in?

I like coding and I would love more people to share my passion, so I tried my best to make the coding part of physics more approachable

How is it connected to your major?

I am CS major and Python was the first language I have learned at Tech.

Is there an interesting industrial application?

Every simulation starting from interaction of molecules can be modeled in VPython to get the general idea of the process.

See also


GlowScript is an easy-to-use, powerful environment for creating 3D animations and publishing them on the web. You can write and run GlowScript programs right in your browser, store them in the cloud for free, and easily share them with others. GlowScript uses VPython as a programming language. One of the greatest strengths of GlowScript is that is does not require any pre-installed software and can be ran from any computer.

General Overview of VPython


External links

The official VPython website with the links to YouTube tutorials


VPython User forum


This section contains the the references you used while writing this page

1. Python tutorial

2. VPython Wiki Site

3. GlowScript

4. The image source