Polarization of Waves

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The Main Idea

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There are three main types of wave polarization. A wave is polarized when it consists of two electromagnetic waves traveling

Linear Polarization

Most natural light is linearly polarized. The polarization shape is described by the electric field vector. In the case of a basic electromagnetic wave, as shown to the right, the electric field vector points up and down vertically as the wave travels.

Circular Polarization

Light which is polarized circularly consists of two perpendicular electromagnetic waves. In this case, shown to the right, there are two electric fields which are perpendicular to each other (the illustration does not show the magnetic fields). These electric fields have equal amplitude but have a phase shift of 90 degrees. This creates an electric field vector which moves in a circle as the wave travels.

Elliptical Polarization

Elliptical polarization is very similar to circular polarization. In this case, show to the right, the electric fields are still perpendicular and of the same amplitude. The difference is that the electric fields do not have equal amplitudes. Therefore the electric field vector creates an elliptical shape as the wave progresses - due to the changing magnitude and direction.

A Mathematical Model

What are the mathematical equations that allow us to model this topic. For example [math]\displaystyle{ {\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt}}_{system} = \vec{F}_{net} }[/math] where p is the momentum of the system and F is the net force from the surroundings.


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