Claimed by Liubov Nikolenko VPython is a Python graphics module used for modeling objects in 3-dimensional space. In the field of physics, this is especially useful for calculating and modeling complex relationships between objects and their properties.
To install VPython simply follow the instructions in the links given below.
Install VPython here
Install VPython | here
Install VPython | here
Getting started with Python
Introduction to basic Python use
Creating VPython Objects
- Sphere
ball = sphere(pos=(x_coordinate,y_coordinate,z_coordinate), radius=radius_of_the_sphere, color = color.color_of_the_sphere))
- Arrow
myArrow = arrow(pos=(x0_coordinate,y0_coordinate,z0_coordinate), axis=(x1_coordinate,y1_coordinate,z1_coordinate), color = color.color_of_the_sphere)
- Vector
myVector = vector(x_coordinate,y_coordinate,z_coordinate)
Manipulating VPython values
- Accessing attributes of the object
To access the attribute of a given object just use the syntax object.attribute (e.g. to access the position of the ball object, you should do ball.pos)
- Updating values
To update a value (such as time, speed, force or the position of the object) you should do value = value + delta_value
There are two types of loops that can be use in Python: for loop and while loop. Basically, loops are used to tell the computer to execute the same task multiple times. While loops are more common for modeling physics concepts.
- While loops
Useful built-in functions
- x**y
Raises x to the y-th power.
- cross(vectorA, vectorB)
Calculates the cross product of two vectors
- mag(vector)
Calculates the magnitude of the vector
- norm(vector)
Calculates the unit vector of the vector
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VPython was originally released in 2000 by David Scherer after he took an introductory physics class at Carnegie Mellon University. At the time, the school used the cT programming language for 2D modeling, and David saw the need for something better. Working with several people including professors Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood, he developed a Python module called Visual. Visual Python or VPython featured 3D modeling, as well as an easier-to-understand object-oriented syntax. VPython is released under an Open Source license, and development continues today.
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