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Revision as of 23:33, 5 December 2015 by Wgreenwald3 (talk | contribs)
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Telescopes are tools used to study the night sky. The key to any telescope is getting as much information from the night sky as possible. This is done by taking advantage of the physical properties of light.

The Main Idea

Telescopes take utilizes complicated systems of Mirrors and Lenses

Types of Telescopes

What are the mathematical equations that allow us to model this topic. For example [math]\displaystyle{ {\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt}}_{system} = \vec{F}_{net} }[/math] where p is the momentum of the system and F is the net force from the surroundings.

Refracting Telescopes

Reflecting Telescopes

Different Models of Reflecting Telescopes

How do we visualize or predict using this topic. Consider embedding some vpython code here Teach hands-on with GlowScript


Be sure to show all steps in your solution and include diagrams whenever possible


  1. As an aerospace engineering major, I found this topic to be very related to my major. Aerospace vehicles are often used to place telescopes in better locations for observation.


Put this idea in historical context. Give the reader the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

See also

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Further reading

Books, Articles or other print media on this topic

External links



Chaisson, Eric, and Steve McMillan. "Astronomy Today." Astronomy Today. Pearson, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.