3 or More Body Interactions

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This page introduces the concept of n-body interactions (with 3 or more bodies). This is a basic overview of the concept.

Main Idea

Problems involving two bodies that are interacting gravitationally are relatively easy to solve. Once there are more than two bodies, however, this is no longer the case. Generally, three or more body problems require numerical integrations to solve, and are quite complex. It becomes difficult to predict the motion of the bodies under the influence of multiple other gravitational forces, and the system most often becomes chaotic. There are, however, a number of cases where motion is not chaotic and that thus can be studied.

Restricted 3-Body Problem

In the restricted three body problem, we assume that the third body has a negligible mass, and that it moves under the influence of two other massive bodies. This simplifies calculations, as we can treat the two massive bodies as though they are in a simple two body problem to predict their motion. We assume that these two bodies orbit around their mutual center of mass, and that the third body, being of negligible mass, does not affect this motion.

The restricted 3-body problem is useful for analyzing motion for many objects in the solar system, chiefly the Earth-Moon-Sun system, and other such systems involving moons. Because the moon is much less massive than the Earth, which is in turn much less massive than the Sun, we can treat that problem as a restricted 3-body problem.

A Mathematical Model




See Also