Claimed by hkim944 (Spring 2019)
GlowScript IDE is an environment where people can create 3D animations and share them on web.
Scripts can be written in VPython.
GlowScript 2.7 VPython is required in header to run Vpython.
GlowScript 2.7 JavaScript is required in header to run javascript.
Initialize new Variables
Use var and assign values.
var x, y x = 2 y = 3
There is no need to put semi-colon in the end of a line.
3D Objects
newArrow = arrow(pos=vec(x0, y0, z0), shaftwidth=1, axis_and_length=vec(x1, y1, z1))
This creates arrow that starts at point <x0, y0, z0> that points <x1, y1, z1>
newBox = box(pos=vec(x0, y0, z0), size=vec(L, H, W))
This creates a box with a center <x0, y0, z0> and with size <L, H, W>
newSphere =sphere(pos=vec(x0, y0, z0), size=vec(x1, y1, z1) )
This creates a box with a center <x0, y0, z0> and with size <x1, y1, z1>
You can learn more by clicking this. [1]
Supported Environments
Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge.
Devices: Most smart devices running Android or iOS.