Pendulum Motion

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--mbriatta3 (talk) 14:17, 3 December 2015 (EST)

The pendulum is a mass hanging from a string of negligible mass that is fixed to a point. The equilibrium position of the pendulum is the position when the string and mass hang vertically downward. When pulled back away from this equilibrium state, the string and mass will swing back and forth. If there is no friction or air resistance applied then the pendulum will swing forever.

The Main Idea

State, in your own words, the main idea for this topic Electric Field of Capacitor

Properties of Pendulum Motion

What are the mathematical equations that allow us to model this topic. For example [math]\displaystyle{ {\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt}}_{system} = \vec{F}_{net} }[/math] where p is the momentum of the system and F is the net force from the surroundings.

Period of Oscillation



A Computational Model

Animation of a pendulum showing 
forces acting on the mass: the
tension T in the rod and the
gravitational force mg. Link

Animation of a pendulum showing the 
velocity and acceleration vectors. Link


Be sure to show all steps in your solution and include diagrams whenever possible





Talk about clocks

As you see, the pendulum motion can be seen in our everyday life. As an architecture major, I have always been interested art and design. Different sculptures, installations, and art pieces can even be achieved throughout the application of a pendulum motion. Take a look here and here and here


Put this idea in historical context. Give the reader the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

See also

Further reading

  • G. L. Baker and J. A. Blackburn (2009). The Pendulum: A Case Study in Physics (Oxford University Press).
  • M. Gitterman (2010). The Chaotic Pendulum (World Scientific).
  • Michael R. Matthews, Arthur Stinner, Colin F. Gauld (2005)The Pendulum: Scientific, Historical, Philosophical and Educational Perspectives, Springer
  • Michael R. Matthews, Colin Gauld and Arthur Stinner (2005) The Pendulum: Its Place in Science, Culture and Pedagogy. Science & Education, 13, 261-277.
  • Schlomo Silbermann,(2014) "Pendulum Fundamental; The Path Of Nowhere" (Book)
  • Matthys, Robert J. (2004). Accurate Pendulum Clocks. UK: Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN 0-19-852971-6.
  • Nelson, Robert; M. G. Olsson (February 1986). "The pendulum – Rich physics from a simple system". American Journal of Physics 54 (2): 112–121. Bibcode:1986AmJPh..54..112N. doi:10.1119/1.14703.
  • L. P. Pook (2011). Understanding Pendulums: A Brief Introduction (Springer).

External links



  • Chabay, Ruth W., and Bruce A. Sherwood. Matter and Interactions. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. Print.
  • "Pendulum Motion." Pendulum Motion. Physics Classroom, 1996. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.
  • "Pendulum." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.