Solution for Simple Harmonic Oscillator (Xuen Zhen)

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One of the many situations which can be analyzed with the Schrodinger’s Equation is the one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator. This situation draws an analogy between a quantum-mechanical particle’s oscillating movement and the movement of a common classical oscillator: an object attached to a spring. Like its classical spring counterpart described under Hooke's Law, a quantum harmonic oscillator has the force function [math]\displaystyle{ F = -k x }[/math] and the associated potential function [math]\displaystyle{ U = \frac{1}{2} k x^2 }[/math], with [math]\displaystyle{ k }[/math] being the force constant (spring constant in classical case). Despite the simplicity of a harmonic oscillator's arbitrary smooth potential, it acts as an important foundation to solving more complicated quantum systems due to it being one of the few quantum-mechanical systems with an exact, known analytical solution.

Mathematical Setup

Deriving the Solution
