Potential Energy of a Pair of Neutral Atoms

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by Charlotte Bunch

Potential Energy of a Pair of Neutral Atoms

At first glance it seems silly to think that there would be any kind of interaction between two neutral atoms because they are in fact neutral. This means that there are equal amounts of positive and negative charges in the atom therefore resulting in a zero net charge on each. However, this is not the case due to the way the election cloud around each nucleus behaves at certain distances.

A Mathematical Model

The approximate formula for the Interatomic Potential Energy is [math]\displaystyle{ U = (1/2)ks^2 - E_M }[/math]

However the potential energy needs to reach zero as the atoms get further apart. The Morse approximation accounts for this.

Morse approximation
[math]\displaystyle{ U_M = E_M*[1-e^(-a(r-r_eq))]^2] - E_M }[/math]

A Computational Model

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Simple Example

There are three cases that describe the potential energy between two neutral atoms.

  1. Far apart:
    There is relatively no force on each atom due to the other because the forces of attraction and repulsion of like and unlike charges pretty much cancel out.
  2. Close together:
    Polarization distorts the electron cloud in such a way that the two atoms feel an attractive force towards each other. Solid objects are held together by this electric force of attraction.
  3. Much closer:
    As the two atoms are pushed closer and closer together they will begin to repel. This is because of the positions of the protons and electrons.


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Philip Morse

The Morse approximation is accredited to Philip Morse, who wrote a paper around 1930 about interatomic interactions. He was an engineer and physicists who wanted to get physically applicable results to his findings. Because of this he went on to assist the United States in World War II. He discovered a way to use acoustics to aid the US in detonating German mines.

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