VPython Reference

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Created by Shuyang Chen

VPython reference page for drawing functions and constants. This page compiles common usages into one page for quick reference. This page assumes that the student knows the basics of creating the objects and just needs a reference page for them.

For detailed and more descriptive pages about objects and how to use them, see VPython 3D Objects and VPython Objects

VPython Template

from __future__ import division
from visual import *

## Constants

## Initialization

## Loop
t = 0
deltat = 1e-10
end = 10

while t < end:
    ## Loop Code
    t += deltat

VPython Animation and Drawing Reference




ball = sphere(pos=(1,2,3), radius=0.4, color=color.blue)


Parameter Type Description
pos vector Position of the object
color color Color of the object
radius number Radius of the sphere
opacity number Opacity of the object
make_trail boolean Whether or not to leave behind a trail




cube = box(pos=(1,2,3), length=4, height=5, width=6, color=color.green)


Parameter Type Description
pos vector Position of the object
color color Color of the object
length number Length of the box
height number Height of the box
width number Width of the box
axis vector Direction the box is facing (facing side is height x width)
opacity number Opacity of the object
make_trail boolean Whether or not to leave behind a trail




arr = arrow(pos=(1,2,3), axis=(4,5,6), color=color.red)


Parameter Type Description
pos vector Position of the object
axis vector Direction the arrow is pointing at
color color Color of the object
opacity number Opacity of the object
shaftwidth number Width of the shaft (default: 0.1*(length of arrow))
headwidth number Width of the head (default: 2*shaftwidth)
headlength number Length of the head (default: 3*shaftwidth)
make_trail boolean Whether or not to leave behind a trail




trail = curve(color=color.orange)


Parameter Type Description
pos vector array Positions of the trail
color color Color of the object




lbl = label(pos=(1,2,3), text='Information', color=color.cyan)


Parameter Type Description
pos vector Position of the label in the world
xoffset number The x component of the line (offset from the pos)
yoffset number The y component of the line (offset from the pos)
color color Color of the text
text string The text to be displayed (line breaks are \n)
font string Name of the font to be used
height number Height of the font in pixels (default: 13 pixels)
background color Color of the background
opacity number Opacity of the background of the box
border number Distance in pixels from the text to the text box (default: 5 pixels)
box boolean Whether or not to draw the box (default: true)
line boolean Whether or not to draw the box to the position (default: true)
linecolor color Color of the line and box
space number Radius in pixels of a sphere around pos where the line is not shown




c = color.red

Basic Colors

Name Vector Color
Red (1,0,0) color.red
Yellow (1,1,0) color.yellow
Green (0,1,0) color.green
Orange (1,0.5,0) color.orange
Blue (0,0,1) color.blue
Cyan (0,1,1) color.cyan
Magenta (1,0,1) color.magenta
White (1,1,1) color.white
Black (0,0,0) color.black

VPython Common Constants


Constant Common Variable Name Approximate Value Code
Speed of light c 299792458.0 c = 299792458.0
Gravitational Constant G 6.67408e-11 G = 6.67408e-11
Electron Mass m_e 9.10938356e-31 m_e = 9.10938356e-31
Proton Mass m_p 1.6726219e-27 m_p = 1.6726219e-27
Neutron Mass m_n 1.674927471e-27 m_n = 1.674927471e-27
Electric Constant oofpez 8.9875517873681764e9 oofpez = 8.9875517873681764e9
Permitivity of Free Space e0 8.854187817e-12 e0 = 8.854187817e-12
Magnetic Constant km 1e-7 km = 1e-7
Vacuum Permeability mu_0 1.2566370614e-6 mu_0 = 1.2566370614e-6
Proton Charge e 1.602176565e-19 e = 1.602176565e-19
Electron Volt eV 1.602176565e-19 eV = 1.602176565e-19
Avogadro's Number N_A 6.0221409e23 N_A = 6.0221409e23
Proton Radius R_p 0.8775e-15 R_p = 0.8775e-15
E to ionize air E_ionize 3e6 E_ionize = 3e6
Earth's Magnetic Field B_Earth 2e-5 B_Earth = 2e-5


  • How is this topic connected to something that you are interested in?
    • I like to compile useful data into compact pages. This way, time can be saved by not having to search for simple information that may not be memorized.
  • How is it connected to your major?
    • I'm a Computer Science major so I am used to programming languages and how the need for docs are. Also, Computer Science is partly about making things more efficient. This page makes looking up common information about VPython more efficient.
  • Is there an interesting industrial application?
    • In the real world, references are time savers. Businesses welcome work that save production time.

See also

VPython 3D Objects

VPython Objects

VPython Animation


VPython Docs

Wikipedia Page on Physical Constants