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===A Computational Model===
===A Computational Model===
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                var s = ρσ_set();
                return s;
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    function round(num, n=0) {return Number(num.toFixed(n))}
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    amplitude = 1;
    speed_of_light = 1;
    wave_length = 5;
    frequency = speed_of_light["/"](wave_length);
    omega = 2["*"](pi)["*"](frequency);
    k = 2["*"](pi)["/"](wave_length);
    length_of_wave = 20;
    E_arrows = ρσ_list_decorate([]);
    B_arrows = ρσ_list_decorate([]);
    for (var ρσ_Index1 = 0; ρσ_Index1["<"](length_of_wave["+"](1)); ρσ_Index1++) {
        i = ρσ_Index1;
        E_arrows.append(ρσ_interpolate_kwargs.call(this, arrow, [ρσ_desugar_kwargs({color: color.red, axis: vector(0, amplitude, 0), shaftwidth: .1, pos: vector(0, 0, i)})]));
        B_arrows.append(ρσ_interpolate_kwargs.call(this, arrow, [ρσ_desugar_kwargs({color: color.cyan, axis: vector(amplitude, 0, 0), shaftwidth: .1, pos: vector(0, 0, i)})]));
    t = 0;
    dt = .01;
    while (true) {
        (await rate(100));
        var ρσ_Iter2 = range(len(E_arrows));
        ρσ_Iter2 = ((typeof ρσ_Iter2[Symbol.iterator] === "function") ? (ρσ_Iter2 instanceof Map ? ρσ_Iter2.keys() : ρσ_Iter2) : Object.keys(ρσ_Iter2));
        for (var ρσ_Index2 of ρσ_Iter2) {
            i = ρσ_Index2;
            z = ρσ_getitem(E_arrows, i).pos.z["-"](1["*"](speed_of_light)["*"](t));
            ρσ_getitem(E_arrows, i).axis.y = amplitude["*"](sin(k["*"](z)["-"](1["*"](omega)["*"](t))));
            ρσ_getitem(B_arrows, i).axis.x = amplitude["*"](cos(k["*"](z)["-"](1["*"](omega)["*"](t))));
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Revision as of 18:10, 13 April 2024

Spencer Boebel '24

Electromagnetic Waves

The Main Idea

An electromagnetic wave is what happens when we put all four of Maxwell's equations together. A changing electric field creates a magnetic field, which changes and creates an electric field, starting it all over again. This is the basic premise of an electric wave, and we shall derive other properties presently.

A Mathematical Model

The mathematical equations that allow us to model this topic are Maxwell's equations; but a simpler way to figure it out is to consider a notion from General Relativity. According to General Relativity, the speed of information is [math]\displaystyle{ c }[/math]. Now consider an electron moving at a velocity [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{v}(t) }[/math]. Now consider an observation point a location [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{r} }[/math] from the electron. Let us say the electron is oscillating, so we have that [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{v}=\cos{t} \vec{k} }[/math]. Then since the information that the electron is moving takes a while to get to the position [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{r} }[/math], so instead of getting the Coulomb field [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{E}=\frac{kq_e}{|\vec{r}|^2}\hat{r} }[/math] we get the electric field [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{E} = -\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0} \left[ \frac{\mathbf{e}_{r'}}{r'^2} + \frac{r'}{c} \frac{d}{dt} \left(\frac{\mathbf{e}_{r'}}{r'^2}\right) + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{d^2}{dt^2} \mathbf{e}_{r'} \right] }[/math], where [math]\displaystyle{ \vec{r}' }[/math] is the direction that the electron appears to be according to the observer, but is not actually. The magnetic field can then be written as [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{B} = -\frac{\mathbf{e}_{r'} \times \mathbf{E}}{c} }[/math]. Now if you notice the first two terms in the above E-field equation can be dropped at large [math]\displaystyle{ r }[/math] because they drop off with the distance squared. Calculating, we have that our electric field in a wave is [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{E} = -\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 c^2} \frac{d^2 \mathbf{e}_{r'}}{dt^2} }[/math]. The second derivative term is just the derivative of our velocity, so we get that [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{E} = \frac{q}{4\pi\|\vec{r}|epsilon_0 c^2}\sin(t) \vec{k} }[/math]. Using the B formula we get that since [math]\displaystyle{ r }[/math] is very large, the [math]\displaystyle{ e_r }[/math] vector and the [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{E} }[/math] vector are perpendicular, leading us to calculate B to be [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{B} = -\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0|\vec{r}|c^3}\sin(t) \vec{i} }[/math]. So, from our investigations we conclude (by way of the Lorentz formula) that an oscillating point charge will cause a similar oscillation in the same direction over large distances. This movement is how our eyes detect light!

A Computational Model

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